A content application with the purpose of simplifying the understanding of benefits, in a simple and easy to understand way. The app also offers several consultation tools and calendars to facilitate access to information. Discover our features.
- Income Calculator
- CPF consultation
- Service Channel Guide
- CRAS Address List
- NIS consultation with CPF
- Bolsa Família consultation with NIS
- Bolsa Família Payment Calendar
- Gas Aid Payment Calendar
- Content about benefits and much more.
This application does not represent any Government entity,
application consultation information is obtained through the Transparency Portal: https://portaldatransparencia.gov.br/beneficios/bolsa-familia?ordenarPor=nis&direcao=asc
The purpose of the application is to provide important information about the Benefits offered by the Federal Government in an organized and updated way.
Application developed by Universo dos Apps, we are not associated with the Federal Government, Caixa Econômica or any public body.
This application is not the official Auxílio Brasil application, we are not related to the application: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=br.gov.caixa.bolsafamilia
Our application uses the public API provided by the Federal Government's Transparency Portal to carry out queries.
More information here: https://www.portaltransparencia.gov.br/api-de-dados